Taking the Leap of faith - why it’s so important to act fast in launching your business & how to overcome your fears


“Launch fast and adjust later.” This is some of the best advice that I’ve received from fellow entrepreneurs. Oftentimes we become so bogged down with the details that we fail to follow through on our ideas. We talk ourselves out of our own success. 

I spoke about this with Women We Love Wednesday interviewees- professional violinist Candice Smith (read her interview here) and chemist & founder of ForHer Cosmetics Alyssa Space (check out her interview here). Although they are in completely different entrepreneurial spaces, both women stressed the importance of beginning BEFORE you are ready. 

Starting your own business requires faith, perseverance, and consistency. It also requires a tremendous amount of courage- after all you’re putting yourself out there with little assurance of success. In starting your own business you’re opening yourself up to criticism and sometimes even ridicule. 

As human beings, we’re naturally prone to avoid discomfort and embarrassment. In some ways, that can serve as a smart survival skill and enable us to blend in, but in other ways it can serve as a barrier to success. 

Many females have been taught, whether expressly or not, to not make waves and to stay in the background. In entrepreneurship this isn’t an option. We have to constantly put ourselves out there and keep persevering through the many losses that naturally occur. 

Delaying your business launch until the timing is “right” leads to stagnation. How many people have you met who have been talking about their new business idea for years, but have yet to bring it to fruition? Even worse, are those who claim that someone else started the business they wanted to- the distance between dreams and reality is called action.

You can always pivot and adjust accordingly later on. Accept that failure will be a part of the journey, and know that you will also learn so much from your mistakes. So how do you overcome your fear of failure to launch your own venture?

How to Overcome Your Fears - Easy Steps to Ease your Entrepreneurial Anxiety

  1. Realize that usually the worst case scenario isn’t even all that bad. 

We have a tendency to overexagerrate our fears. At this point, you’ve survived all of your worst days. 

2. Find inspiration from other entrepreneurs. 

You can’t take advice from people who haven’t been where you want to go. Draw inspiration from other business owners (especially ones that are truly self-made) and take notes on the experiences they’ve had and how you can also learn from them. 

3. Learn from your mistakes.

The most powerful lessons often come from our own mistakes. As painful as that can be at times, it’s also a good way to pivot and adjust. 

4. Don’t listen to the naysayers. 

Constructive criticism is great and essential for success, but if you notice that that’s all someone is contributing it might be time to steer clear for a while. 

What advice has helped you in launching your business? Sound off below.


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